Tineke Wilde - Bast and Beyond

Tineke Wilde
3rd – 14th November 2009
Opening: Tues 3rd November, 5.30 – 7pm

“Few creative subjects are as captivating as the human figure. It is exciting to take a chunk of clay, mould it in your hands and see something emerging. What was once a piece of clay is now a person staring back at you.

In my newest body of work I will be working both on and off the wall, using my sculptures as the foreground to painted works, playing with the tension between real and painted depth, creating conversations between the second and third dimensions.

Most of my inspiration for forms comes from domestic life.
Sometimes I use the character ‘Bast’, the Egyptian goddess of fertility, who protects the home and women in childbirth. She brings health and healing”.
-Tineke Wilde

As a grandmother, wife and mother, Tineke’s collections typically focus on themes of motherhood and often carry an underlying political message about personal freedom and choice. An avid student of all mediums, sculpture is her primary focus, and figurative work, in both painting and sculpture, now prevails in her work.